Tuesday 1 November 2011

Filming day 2

Today I went back to Ashton Court with James and Karima to do some more filming. The first scene we shot was James walking back down from Ashton court to is house wear he would suddenly see Karima sitting their in front of the sun. I portrayed this by first filming a scene with James walking down a hill squinting as he can't believe what he is seeing. Then I filmed a scene with Karima sitting there while I tried to perform a pan shot around her to make her sitting their look more effective.

The next scene was similar but this time I filmed Karima walking behind James on a hill rather than just sitting there. I did this from a low angle to make Karima look more superior since she was higher up on the hill than James which made her stand out more. This is important because the audience can therefore recognize that this is a nightmare rather than a happy dream where she is in control and not him.

The last scene we shot today was in a graveyard next to Karima's house. I chose to shoot here because I wanted to symbolise the lyrics "on my mind" which come into play throughout the songs chorus. I showed this by first doing a establishing shot of the area for the audience to recognize the change of place. Then I filmed two separate scenes one with James sitting on the bench crying over his ex then another one with Karima doing the some thing. I did this with the idea that I would be able to put them together and create a split screen with two scenes either side each other. I am choosing to do this to help the audience understand that this was a movie with comedy and sadness about a guy having a bad day. This relates to the Nero video where at the start the girl says " you must stop this" but the other girl refuses to take the medicine. This relates to the Nero video because it is about going against what is expected of you. For example old idea's of marriage that people are meant to be together
for the rest of their lives.

The final piece of filming that I filmed today was at Karima's house. I this clip we filmed James trying to make up with Karima which would end badly for him with him getting water poured over him. As explained above I did this to show that that not everything can be explained. I chose to shoot this from an over-the-shoulder angle and go into a close up of the James after he had the water chucked over him. I felt this was the best way to show this because it let us not only get a good look of Karima's unforgiving face but of James's surprise face after he got drenched.

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