Saturday 12 November 2011

Filming Day 4

We thought we would give Karima a rest this week since she has done so much hardwork.......
Anyhow this week I filmed the scene from my storyboard which shows James coming home and going to sleep where he enters the dream world where all the crazy stuff happens. Taking advice from James experience in his photography degree classes we chose to film in short straight cuts instead of having the camera following him. We chose to do it this way in order to avoid the camera shaking and to give us acess to more angles. We started the scene with James opening the door and turning up the themometer. We did a zoom in effect here of him turning up the themometer so the audience could clearly see what was happening. 

After this I filmed James walked up the stairs from behind then half way through I switched to the top of the stairs to show up walking up the stairs and going into my room from in front. This created great continuity because he never went out of range of the camera as if he would have if I filmed it all from behind him.

Next I filmed him going to sleep tossing and turning. I chose rotate the camera left and right here in order to create effect that would distingish between the real and dream world. I also did a quick pan around the room so the audience could easily recognize that this was his bedroom but also created a nice transition into the scenes where he is dreaming. This pan shot latest a little bit too long for my liking and would need to be cut down with Power Director the edititing software I am using.

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