Wednesday 23 November 2011


Now I have sucessfully completed my filming it is time to begin the editing process. To this I will be using PowerDirector 64 Bit Ultra. I am choosing this software because it is easy to use and it offers a wide range of effects that can be incorperated into videos. So far, I have 6 minuites of footage with the music track only lasting 4 minuites so I will have to do a lot of cutting down. I am choosing to edit the tracks in chronological order to make it easier for me to put together the peices once i'm finished.

Firstly, I started editing the break-up scene between James and Karima. Since this was the only part where talking is involved I had to be carefully not to cut out any of the important speech when editing. I then inserted the music track into powerdirector and started editing the scenes with Karima stalking James. This was the most difficult part of the editing process since there were a lot of irrelevent takes of a certain scene and some scenes were too long or short which meant the audience wouldn't be able to understand what was happening. I solved this problem by deleting all the the irrelevent scenes and then cutting down the scenes I did this with Powerdirectors multi-trim tool which allows you to put markers on a clip to show the bits you want in the scene or cut out.  I then added slow motion effects where James was turning around so the audience could see the surprised expression on his face. To finish of I added the clips with James walking with nobody behind him and then inserted the clips with Karima after that so it made look like she magically appeared.

Next, I started editing the scene with James going over to Karima's house to try and convince her to get back together with him. Like that will happen. Anyhow I timed the clip with the music track so that when the music slowed down it shows James walking up to Karima's door and when he started arguing with her the music would speed up. I did this because when the music fits in with what you are seeing it enchances the visual effect of what you see because it feels more realistic.

Thirdly, I edited the bits with James asleep and feeded them in between scenes of the video. I then added a worm whole effect when the  scenes with James asleep  appeared. I did this to make it clear to the audience that James was no longer in the dream world but that instead, we were watching him sleeping. I then added a blur effect at the end of  these scenes which made up a cool fade out transitioning effect when exiting the real world scenes. After I used Powerdirectors powertools to speed up the scenes in the real world so it matched the pace of the music.

Finally, I added in the scene with James entering in his room and going to sleep after a bad day and the scene with him walking up, running down stairs, and turning the thermestat down. I had to edit out all the bits with my shadow in here to create an effect of realism. I then inserted a slow-motion effect when James woke up so we all see that bemused expression on his face.  In all it took me about 5 hours to edit on my own but I am quite happy with the end result and I hope you will be too.

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