Saturday 3 December 2011

Print Work

After successfully finishing the music video it was time to move onto the second half of the coursework which is making a magazine advert and a 6 page CD cover. To prepare for the print work I made James do a funky type pose with glasses on. This would become the iconic image that viewers would recognize Arty by and would be featured on the front cover of the album and the magazine advert.  To turn this image into a magazine advert and front cover I first created a background which would match the style of the image. To do this I used Adobe Photoshop CS5. I had mixed feelings about this software since I had never used it to produce print work before and all the buttons around the screen looked complicated at first. On the other hand, I was also confident since I remembered from my AS studies that Adobe software had been used to create the $2.7 billion box office hit Avatar which was visually incredible.

To create the background I used different brush sizes of different colours and then blended them into to each other using a tool called Gaussian Blur. This allowed me to create an effect which looked like a patchwork of different colours with different shapes. I did this on a black background so that the colours would stand out more.  Next I cropped the original picture with James taking a pose in order to remove the boring background. I then carefully brushed around James with the eraser tool to make sure anything unwanted wasn't attached to him. After that I moved  the Picture of James onto the background positioning him so that he was in the center.  I then added writing making sure that the artists name was bigger than the album titles name. This was important so that the audience would recognize the artist rather than the song since by promoting the artist I am promoting all of his work not just one song. 

Before and after pictures. 

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