Tuesday 27 September 2011

CD Cover analysis David Guetta

The first CD cover I am going to analyse is 'Just a Little More Love' by David Guetta. The album was released on June 10th 2002 by Virgin Records France and features vocals by Chris Willis and Barbara Tucker. The album, as indicticated by the title, is about showing more love to the people around you.

Looking at the CD cover itself it shows a man listening to some music through headphones. I think David Guetta picked this picture to show the modern style of how music is played and to adress his target audience. The man looks very young in the 12-24 age group most of my audience research put the electropop genre into. By using a young person David Guetta adresses the young population so they feel like the album is for them.

The headphones could possibly symbolise the way that music is genrally listented to in the 21st century. In the past it was cassets, radio's or even those big chunky headphones which covered your whole ear.
Instead of any of these options David Guetta has chosen to use red in the ear headphones to symbolise the modern style of listening to music and which will therefore help him adress his target audience.

Looking at the background it is jet black so you can focus on the things in other colours. The background is also made to look like some kind of puzzle with little puzzle outlines in the background . What is important about this is that on the mans face there is a little white peice of the puzzle which because the man is silver makes it look like he is robotic. This links in with the title because robots sterotypically don't feel love so the white patch and the puzzle links into the whole idea that we need more love and the man needs to unlock his human side.

One final thing to notice is that the 'David Guetta' writing is in white which makes it standout above all the other things on the cover which are darker colours. This could be to raise artist awareness since this was his first album. The fact that the picture expresses what David Guetta is trying to portray very well could be the reason while the title of the album is in tiny writing.

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